Thursday, July 9, 2015

Art Imitates Art

Artists' Views of Boston's South End Gardens at the  20th Annual South End Garden Tour, Saturday, June 20, 2015

The 20th Annual South End Garden Tour, held on Saturday, June 20, 2015, was blessed with perfect June weather -- warm, sunny, with a light breeze.  The gardens (hidden behind the magnificent brick structures which line the streets of the South End of Boston) were found via a map (which Marash Girl has since lost), and the artists hidden in the gardens were an extra perk!  Their still wet paintings were on sale at the reception which was held at  the conclusion of a sun and flower filled day.  Tickets ($25 at the door, $20 in advance) included a map indicating the "hidden" gardens, admission to the "hidden" gardens, and a wine and cheese reception where gardeners and artists,          visitors and South Enders, gathered to share the joy of the day.

Artists' Views of South End Gardens
 during this year's
South End Garden Tour, Boston's South End

Marash Girl's favorite garden was not on the tour, but the gardener allowed her a peek in!

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