Monday, November 2, 2015

EPA Hassles Conch Fisherman in Edgartown

Edgartown Harbor, Martha's Vineyard, Saturday, October 31, 2015

Look -- that guy on the boat is carrying!  said Marash Boy.

Carrying what?  asked Marash Girl.

A gun!  said Marash Boy.

A gun on a fishing boat?  queried Marash Girl.  "Let's go see what's happening," she said, as Marash Boy distanced himself from the drama and Marash Girl approached the dock.
Marash Girl looks on as EPA hassles local fisherman.

"I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt," the EPA official intoned to the owner of the Sea Raven, as the EPA official went through every bag of conchs, using his stainless steel measuring gauge to check the size of every conch,  tossing aside 
those  that were an 1/8th of an inch or more under 3 inches,  the minimum width set by the Department of Marine Fisheries (DMF) for the 2015 season. 

A local boatman commented, "And this guy has been operating his boat for about 44 years! He's a straight - shooter.    There are so many who aren't.  Why is the EPA bothering a good guy?  I'm going out to warn my friend not to come in; not with the Feds here!"  said the local as he rowed out to his fishing boat, hopped on board, and motored out into the darkening ocean to find his friend.

With all the druggies out there, the Feds had to hassle an honest fisherman?

Perhaps it was just a prank.  After all, it was Halloween! r.  Good guy's boat, EPA boat, local onlooker's boat on its way to warn his friend
Good neighbor on his way to warn his friend.
For more on conch fishing, see "The Conch Conundrum" by Barry Stringfellow in the Martha's Vineyard Times, Dec. 4, 2013.

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