Wednesday, November 4, 2015

"Mourning Ahmad Chalabi"

Yesterday, November 3, 2015, brother James called Marash Girl's attention to an  article Michael Rubin published yesterday in Commentary, the article entitled "Mourning Ahmad Chalabi".

Rubin writes, "Ahmad Chalabi died of a heart attack this morning at his home in Baghdad. Many things are written about Chalabi, few of which are positive and many of which depict him as a cartoon villain. Chalabi was both brilliant and arrogant, but he was less villain than scapegoat. And he was first and foremost an Iraqi patriot."  "I first met Chalabi in the summer of 2001," writes Rubin, as he goes on to talk about the man as he knew him.

Marash Girl first met Ahmad Chalabi well before that, in the spring of 1960 (can you believe it?) when Chalabi was a freshman at MIT, a sweet and wonderful boy with whom she often had dinner at a place overlooking the Charles River. It was he who taught Marash Girl and her friend Judith Kirshner how to skip stones over water one spring afternoon at an MIT Arab Club picnic. That was well before life took its toll on all of them!  Marash Girl has missed the boy that she knew then, and now realizes that she will never see him again in this life.

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