Sunday, January 24, 2016

Fire Alarm at Chestnut Hill Mall

This past Friday, while shopping at the Chestnut Hill Mall, a fire alarm began to toll, and the lights started flashing.  No one cared. Things continued as usual.  A man sitting with his young son outside of the shops inside of the mall, continued sitting.  Folks continued browsing.  Marash Girl began to doubt herself. . . "That's a fire alarm isn't it?" she asked the mall guard who was standing at the outer door to the mall as Marash Girl emerged.  "Yes," he answered, but it's only practice. . ."  "Practice? But no one's practicing!" exclaimed Marash Girl.  "Spoiled, we Americans! We believed that all is well no matter what we see or hear around us."  The guard just shrugged. Marash Girl walked over to her car, started the engine, and drove out of the parking lot and left onto the main road, where she encountered three fire engines with their sirens screeching, the engines racing to the Chestnut Hill Mall.  Was that a test for them as well?

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