Thursday, January 21, 2016

"If it weren't for the Turks, not one Armenian would be alive today!" Peter Bilezikian

Marash Girl apologizes for being so late with her post today, but she had to finish the murder mystery she could not put down and then meet college classmates for lunch.  But before meeting college classmates (yes, believe it or not, Marash Girl did attend college), she met with an old friend, Alfred Demirjian.  Alfred was remembering Marash Girl's father Peter, and remembering how he always said (and Marash Girl can attest to this), "If it were not for the Turks, not one Armenian would be alive today."  In fact, Alfred said that many a Turkish friend came in with the newspaper article (The Boston Globe) in which Peter was quoted saying exactly that:   "If it were not for the Turks, not one Armenian would be alive today."  Now you may ask, "How could an Armenian Genocide survivor say such a thing?"  And Marash Girl asks you, "How could an Armenian Genocide survivor not say such a thing?" If it were not for the "good Turk", the good Turkish neighbors, the good Turkish friends in high up places in the Ottoman government, true enough for both Marash Girl's family and Marash Boy's family, families that would not have survived if it were not for a Turk who risked his/her life or his/her family's lives in order to save Armenian lives.

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