Sunday, February 28, 2016

Aunty Armenouhi, Dennison, and Nisha's Bridal Shower

Planning for Nisha's shower (see blog for Monday, February 22, 2016), Marash Girl remembered Aunty Armenouhi Bablouzian.  Aunty Armenouhi, her father's first cousin, was an artist in her own right, and in the years that Marash Girl was growing up, Dennison Paper Company hired her to make umbrellas for bridal showers.  They were beautiful, and Marash Girl does not remember how she went about creating them, but Marash Girl was determined (and her determination won out ...  see photos on above mentioned blog) to recreate the joyous days of her youth attending bridal showers for all of her relatives.

Several months ago, after dropping Marash Boy off at the bus stop in Framingham, Marash Girl visited Michael's.  She walked in and asked (not really expecting an answer in the positive) if they had umbrellas for bridal showers . . . you, dear reader, already know the answer.  They did.  But what they did not have was a bridal shower umbrella filled with confetti to shower over the bride-to-be.  Marash Girl had to create that . . . she went up and down the aisles, looking for the ingredients -- confetti, tissue paper, and white ribbon --  and she found them.

Was she able to put together the bridal shower umbrella?  Not as elegantly as her Aunty Armenouhi had in years past, but elegantly enough to hide the rough spots UNDER the umbrella.

Marash Girl turned the umbrella upside down, attached a white ribbon long enough to reach from the inner apex to just below the handle of the umbrella.  She filled the umbrella's hollow with lots of confetti, and then covered the confetti with white tissue paper, taping the paper not too securely to the underside of the umbrella (securely enough so that the confetti would not fall out, but not so securely that when the bride pulled on the ribbon it could not tear through the tissue paper).  Luckily, nobody looked under the umbrella, and it was a beautiful symbol for showering the bride with good fortune.  And even more luckily, it worked.

To begin the festivities, the Maid of Honor held the white lace umbrella over the soon to be bride's head, the soon to be bride reached up and pulled on the white ribbon, and the confetti tumbled down over her, covering her with good wishes, good fortune, and all of our blessings for a wonderful marriage.

N.B.  Still finding pieces of confetti, even as far as the third floor, even weeks after the shower.  Marash Martha had suggested showering the bride with confetti on the front porch before the bride entered the house to save on the cleanup; however, the living room was the venue of choice. See the aftermath below.

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