Saturday, February 20, 2016

Circassian Settlement, early 1900's

Bewohner = Inhabitants
der = of the
Tscherkessensiedlung = Circassian settlement
auf dem = on the
Kawak-Tepe [name of a place which means translated]
Pap[p]elhügel = Poplar hill

Kawak-tepe may be "Kavaktepe", a very small village in the province of Tunceli:
(the article also gives the translation Pappel-Hügel),_Mazgirt

because the only "Kawak tepe" Google shows is (or at least was) the name of a 2181 m mountain south of Kayseri.

Thanks to Helmut Thiess (Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Osteuropaabteilung) for the above.
Photo (undated) from Facebook's Bir Zamanlar Marash

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