Friday, April 29, 2016

Postage Stamps from Marash - 1913 - 1915 - 1958

Thanks to Özcan Gülkesen and Ali Kurtar for posting the images below on Facebook's Birzamanlar Maraş.

It's unsettling to realize that the stamp pictured to the right was cancelled in Marash in 1913, before the beginning of the Armenian Genocide (1915-1922),  while Marash Girl's father Peter was but one year old, and the stamp pictured below was cancelled in Marash in 1915, the year that marked the beginning of the Armenian genocide, while Peter was living with his mother Yepros, his brother Paul, and his sisters Gulenia and Vartouhi (Rose) in Kumbet, Marash.  They were among the lucky ones, though. They survived.

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