Saturday, May 7, 2016

Marina Kavlakian plays Sabre Dance at Hye Cafe

Watertown: Marina Kavlakian playing Khachaturian's Sabre Dance at Hye Cafe yesterday evening.   Photo by Marash Girl
Marina Kavlakian's sterling performance of Khachaturian's Sabre Dance yesterday evening at Hye Cafe in Watertown, Massachusetts, brought to mind the days Marash Girl's father would take Marash Girl to the Watertown Marashtsi gatherings to entertain the assembled.  The Marashtsi crowd became silent as Marash Girl, age 9, approached the piano on stage and announced the name of the piece she was about to play.  Sitting on the piano bench, listening to the silence, Marash Girl began.  All she had to play was the first note of her piano piece, and the Marashtsis would join in with their English/Armenian/Turkish chatter.  Marash Girl never had to worry about making a mistake, because the crowd would never have noticed, they were so intent upon catching up with their neighbors on the latest Watertown Marashtsi news!  
                    Attendees at Hye Cafe enjoy listening to the Sabre Dance . . Photo by Mariam Stepanyan

Photo by Ara Stepanyan

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