Saturday, May 14, 2016

More on Tarkhana in Marash

On Sunday, January 18, 2015, Marash Girl wrote a blog on Marash Boy's mother Azniv's preparation of tarkhana in Springfield, Massachusetts.  Azniv learned the skill in Marash and may very well be one of the women in the photo below, a photo which Marash Girl found on Yusuf Koleli's post on Facebook, the photo credited  to Stanley Kerr's THE LIONS OF MARASH.

Below:  Osmanlı döneminde 1918-1919 yıllarında tarhana yapımını gösteren Stenley Kerr'in çekmiş olduğu fotoğrafı Reddit ağında( renklendirme talebinde bulunmuştum. Böyle bir iş çıkmış ortaya. (translation below).
Thanks to Yusuf Koleli for the above photo posted on Facebook. He writes the following: Osmanlı döneminde 1918-1919 yıllarında tarhana yapımını gösteren Stenley Kerr'in çekmiş olduğu fotoğrafı Reddit ağında ( renklendirme talebinde bulunmuştum. Böyle bir iş çıkmış ortaya.  (Rough Translation: 1918-1919 years of the Ottoman period - Tarhana making from Stanley Kerr's photo.)

As they had been forced to leave their homes and their possessions (including their clothes -- the clothes in this photo, probably given to them by the missionaries suggest that the photo is taken outside of an orphanage), the Armenians in the above photo were no longer able to make tarkhana on the flat rooftops of their houses, as was traditional in Marash.  "Thanks" to the Ottoman government, only through the above photo did many of the Armenians pictured above "survive" the years 1918-1919 in Marash.

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