Sunday, June 26, 2016


Walking along Congress Street in Boston, Marash Girl came upon a cautionary sign warning her of a "hollow sidewalk", a phenomenon of which she had never heard.  By the time she had seen the sign, it was already too late to get off the sidewalk!  What was going on?  When she returned home, she turned to trusty Google, where she read the following:  "Below any ordinary looking Back Bay (Boston) sidewalk, there may be a basement vault that was once used for storage or coal delivery. While the city has the responsibility for maintaining the sidewalk, care for the structure below is in private hands and may not be up to bearing the weight of a vehicle."  As her friend Jack Hackett used to comment, "Yikes!"  Or, as this is Sunday, Marash Girl will remind all of us to "pray without ceasing", especially when walking the streets of Boston!
                                                                                     Photo by Marash Girl

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