Saturday, July 2, 2016

Daniel Benayun's POSTORICAL at Newton Free Library Through July 28th, 2016

Marash Girl just happened by the library yesterday to grab some books by Sherman Alexei, and guess what she ran into?  Daniel Benayun (above) greeting folks at the opening of his art exhibit, standing before Marash Girl's favorite of his works of art.  His paintings, he says, "explore and reconstruct the magical idealism of mid-20th Century advertising."  He sees himself as the "creator of an anti-capitalistic zeitgeist that resurrects the wonder and intrigue of print advertising."  On view at the Newton Free Library, Newton, MA, through July 28th, 2016.
Photo of postcard advertising Benayun's art exhibit at the Newton Free Library.
Blurriness is Marash Girl's fuzzy photography!

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