Saturday, October 29, 2016

Growing up with three languages, sometimes four!

Kind of fun, growing up with three languages, oh, and sometimes a fourth!  English and Turkish downstairs with Mummy and Daddy (Mummy had forgotten her Armenian when she was five because her grandmother came to live with them, a grandmother who knew no English and no Armenian -- only Turkish -- more on that subject in the future), English and Armenian upstairs (Uncle Paul had been able to study Armenian in school in  Marash before the war broke out), and English, Armenian and Turkish on the third floor where Grandma Yepros and Grandpa Movses resided . . . oh, and English, Armenian, Turkish and French when cousins from Paris arrived!

In fact, when Marash Girl was quite young, the older generation (her grandparents' generation)  either knew no English, or spoke heavily accented English, and hearing that evidence of life outside of these United States promised  a world of adventure for Marash Girl.

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