Saturday, October 8, 2016

Taner Akcam Presents Documents Proving Genocide of Armenians Ordered by the Turkish Government

Taner Akcam, Turkish by birth, presents documents proving deliberate effort (early in the 20th Century) at annihilation of the Armenian people by the Turkish Government. Above, Marash Girl's photo of Taner Akcam, Chair in Armenian Genocide Studies, Department of History at Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts, following his presentation to a sell-out crowd (although the event was, in fact, free) of a lecture entitled “The Memoir of Naim Bey and Talaat Pasha Telegrams: Are They ‘Armenian Forgeries’?” on the evening of Oct. 6, 2016, at the First Armenian Chuch In Belmont. His lecture gave visible proof: the telegrams were not forgeries. And Marash Girl joins those who ask, "Why has the west turned a blind eye to the human indignities occurring in Turkey today?"

As the Kurds are wont to say, "The Turks had the Armenians for breakfast; the Turks are having us for lunch."

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