Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Grandma Jennie, Bake Me A Cake!

Marash Girl's mom, Jennie, was a superb baker -- she baked the best cakes "from scratch", right out of the Betty Crocker Cookbook (much to her mother's dismay -- her mother was horrified that daughter Jennie wasn't up with the times -- the 1940's times -- baking the modern way, using Betty Crocker cake mixes) . . . but luckily for her family, Jennie loved to bake "from scratch" (thus avoiding all the preservatives and artificial flavors in the cake mixes of the 1940's) and bake well she did!  She even added frosting to her cakes -- frosting made with Crisco and sugar and vanilla (well, admittedly not so healthy), frosting which Grandpa Peter removed before he savored the flavor of her freshly baked delicacies.  And her grandchildren were the happiest grandchildren around.  Grandma Jennie always had a special fresh-baked treat awaiting them when she drove them daily to and from the AGBU Armenian Elementary School.  She baked in the true Aintabtsi tradition!  We miss you, Grandma Jennie; your love for your family, your generosity to those around you was unsurpassed.

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