Saturday, December 10, 2016

Sustainable Business Network of Massachusetts Hosts 15th Annual Winter Gala

Thursday evening, in Somerville, Massachusetts, the Sustainable Business Network of Massachusetts hosted a gala fundraiser featuring WBUR's Robin Young.
Above:  2Birds Band
Robin Young auctioning off tix to a Red Sox Game
The surprise of the evening was when Marash Girl recognized two old friends on stage (see above, the oud and the dumbeg)  although she did not recognize the musicians . . . actually three old friends, if you include Robin Young whom Marash Girl had just chatted with that morning at the WBUR fundraiser. Marash Girl even met a soon to be friend sitting next to her during dinner, a man who had in the center of his business card the symbol below.                Thank you, Peter Metz, for inviting Marash Girl to join in the festivities! 

Photos above taken by Marash Girl herself, though there was a professional photographer present.

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