Monday, February 27, 2017

La La Land!

Marash Girl had been living in La La Land, as it were, until, in fact, she was invited by her step-granddaughter to go to see "La La Land" at the West Newton Cinema.  Marash Girl accepted the invitation, went to the movies with her daughter and step-granddaughter, bought everybody popcorn and coke,  watched the movie, and went home.

Fast forward several months.  Marash Boy insisted that Marash Girl watch the Oscars last night on their ancient tiny TV in the attic room of their Victorian house.  Why? Still not sure, as they rarely go to the movies and even more rarely watch TV.  But it was important that Marash Girls' step-granddaughter kept Marash Girl up with the times, because, in fact, almost every "best" at the Academy Awards last night went to "La La Land"!  So important that even the MC at the Academy Awards last night, Warren Beatty, read off    "La La Land" as he removed from the envelope in his hand the white card holding the name of the winner of best film. The performers from "La La Land" were on the  stage celebrating before Warren Beatty realized his error!  The name on the card for Best Picture was not "La La Land" but "Moonlight", but we must assume that the excitement regarding all of La La Land's "bests" was so great that when Warren Beatty read from the card in his hand, he was, indeed, in "La La Land".

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