Saturday, February 4, 2017

Where New Friends Meet and Old Friends Greet!

Marash Girl had the singular pleasure (I don't really know what that means -- singular pleasure -- but it sounds impressive, right?) in any case, Marash Girl had the (singular) pleasure, yesterday evening, of attending a fundraising dinner at St. James Armenian Apostolic Church (Watertown, Massachusetts) . . . a destination where "new friends meet and old friends greet" . . . . an evening which held true to its promise of wonderful in-house  (or in this case, in the church social hall kitchen) Armenian food -- shish kebab of all varieties, with marvelous vegetarian options, and interesting conversation in many languages (Marash Girl's conversations were in English -- easier that way)!  If any of you readers out there live in the Watertown area and have never attended these dinners, give the church a call to assure your visit to the next event.  You'll be glad you did!

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