Saturday, April 29, 2017


Went to see THE PROMISE yesterday afternoon with my cousin, Doreen.  Glad to have seen it in the afternoon, as seeing it in the evening hours would have caused troubled dreams.

It reminded Marash Girl of all the stories that she has recorded from genocide survivors in the early '70's, stories that are available at the Armenian Museum of America and at Columbia University library.  But there's still work to be done.  Those of us who are children of survivors have their stories to tell -- stories that Marash Girl had not been able to record for one reason or another.

If you have such a story, please make a note in the comments below, and Marash Girl will try to be in contact with you to record your story.  These personal audio memoirs will be stored at the Armenian Museum of America (in Watertown) and at the New England Genealogical Society (in Boston).

Don't wait!  No time like the present!  And it's a promise we can keep, a promise to never forget, a promise to tell the story of the Armenian past to the Armenian future!

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