Tuesday, November 7, 2017

A Prayer for Joan Who Worked for Justice - May 6, 1942 - November 2, 2013

The following prayer was written on November 6, 2016, in memory of my dear friend Joan Scully Metz; the piece was written by Joan's sister.

Loving God, As we gather today in love to remember Joan, we give you thanks for the years she was with us.  Guide us as you did her, to use the talents and skills you have so generously given us, to work in collaboration with others to bring change to those who suffer and are oppressed in this world.  Guide us to educate and advocate for other who are denied a voice.
Help us to be present to members of the global human family.
Help us to recognize the systems and structures that deny the dignity of the human person.  Help us to be engaged and fully focused so we may envision and develop effective strategies to further justice and to b your agents in this world.  Guide us to educate and advocate for others who are denied a voice.
Help us to be present to members of the global human family.  Help us to recognize the systems and structures that deny the dignity of the human person.  Help us to be engaged and fully focused so we may envision and develop effective strategies to further justice and to be your agents in this way.
Keep us aware of the bigger picture and move us beyond our own self-interest, who we may participate in solidarity with those who need our support.  
Help us to persist in the face of challenges.  Renew our hearts and remind us that your grace is working in us and through us, so we may play a small part in the building of your kingdom.  Help us to remember, with love, all that Joan has done for us, all that she taught us, all that she did for the least among us and for those who are suffering.  May the brightness of Joan's love and emil remain with us each day, and remind us all to put our love into action.

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