Sunday, November 12, 2017

Happy Birthday, Nisha Djan!

Okay, so who in the world ever has a first child three weeks early?  Marash Girl did!  And what a surprise it was.  Marash Girl and Marash Boy were expecting a boy . . . who knows why?  The old country old wives' tales about how high or low the mom is carrying the baby . . . Marash Girl was sitting on the third floor of their Beacon Hill home, preparing the antique wicker rocker which Grandma Jennie had gifted them . . .  Marash Girl covering the rocker's cushions with brightly colored Marimeko fabric . . . when all of a sudden Marash Girl's water broke and off Marash Girl and Marash Boy went to Brigham and Women's Hospital.  They were all set with the rocking chair for nursing the baby and a name . . . Armenians always name their first son after the child's grandfather.  (Do they? Or did Marash Girl just make that up?)  In any case, Marash Boy and Marash Girl were all set with a name.  Nishan.  Beautiful name meaning "sign" . . . (all Armenians knew that meant "Sign of the Cross").  So off they trekked to the hospital, and guess what!  Not a first son, but a first daughter.  Name?  No problem.  They would still name the beautiful new baby after her father's father.  Nishanouhi?  ("ouhi" is the feminine ending for an Armenian name. . . No way was Marash Girl's daughter going to be an "ouhi"!)  Not Nishanouhi!  Nisha!  Yes, Nisha!  A beautiful name for a beautiful baby, a beautiful woman.  
Happy Birthday to our dear Nisha! Happy Birthday to you!

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