Wednesday, November 22, 2017


Back in the day, a kiss was a kiss, but still, a kiss was a bigga deal, at least for Marash Girl.  The game of padiddle made life a lot easier for guys who wanted a kiss from their favorite gal without having to steal one.  Paddidle, you ask?  Well, yes.  This is how it went.  If a guy took a girl out on an evening date in his car (or they could be walking . . .) and the guy spotted a car with one headlight missing, the guy would call out, "Padiddle!"  That would signal his right to kiss the gal who was with him.  And in those days, kissing the gal you were with meant something!  So the guy would call out, "Padiddle", and it was understood that the gal would have to allow the guy to kiss her.  But that was a problem if the gal were out with a guy who she liked as a person, but not as a boyfriend, not as someone she would want to kiss.  So how did a girl deal with that in the day when she was alone in a car with a guy, he claimed his right to a kiss by shouting, "Padiddle" when he spotted a car with only one headlight?  She simply said, "No," and never accepted a date with that fellow again.  At least, that's how Marash Girl solved the problem!

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