Sunday, December 10, 2017

A Real Live Christmas Story

Marash Girl heard --  what was it? Someone shoveling her sidewalk?  Why?  Who was it?  She went out to see who it was and found a young fellow shoveling all the way up the sidewalk along the side opposite her house on her little street, and all the way back.  Next thing she knew, he was shoveling along the sidewalk on her side of the street, as well as the apron and steps leading up to her house.  Who was this Christmas Elf?  She reached into her pocket, grabbed a $10 bill and headed out the front door . . . Who are you? she asked the young man.   Oh, I'm just the neighbor at the end of the street -- I needed to get some exercise, so I decided to shovel.  Really? asked Marash Girl, astounded.  Yes, he answered; I'm a teacher and I don't get much exercise, so this is great!  What do you teach? asked Marash Girl.  Oh, I teach fourth graders.  Well, here's for your efforts, said Marash Girl, handing him a $10 bill.  No, no, answered the young man.  I can't accept that!  Oh, yes you can, answered Marash Girl; accept it for your students; buy your students a Christmas treat with the money!  Okay, agreed! grinned the young teacher, pocketing the $10 bill, as he continued his mitzvah, shoveling along.

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