Thursday, January 11, 2018

How to Alienate a Non-Armenian Boyfriend

So here we go into Marash Girl's deep, dark past.   Today she's remembering how she shocked a then boyfriend (who was not Armenian), shocked him to the point of complete alienation.  Here's what happened.

Marash Girl was visiting a boyfriend in Washington, DC, on a day when he was expecting guests.  Expecting guests?  What does any self-respecting Armenian woman do when she is expecting guests? She does what her mother, her grandmother, her great-grandmother, her great-great-grandmother would do!  She empties the closest refrigerator onto whatever table she can find to welcome the guests in from the cold (or the heat, or the rain, or the snow)!  And what happened when Marash Girl's "hippie" boyfriend's refrigerator was emptied?  Nothing!  Nothing!  Nothing!  (i.e.,That was the end of that relationship!)

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