Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Step on a crack . . .

Growing up (many years ago), walking to and from Claflin (elementary) school, the kids would chant, "Step on a crack, you'll break your mother's back!"  Stepping on a crack was, therefore, to be avoided at all costs.  But recently, Marash Girl forgot the warning, and a week ago, upon receiving an upsetting (anti-immigrant) email from a sibling, Marash Girl needed to walk off her "marakh" and walk it off she did . . . down the street, across the parking lot, tripping over the crack where the parking lot met the sidewalk.  Yes, she did.  She tripped on the crack, but instead of breaking her mother's back (thank goodness that could not happen), she fell and injured her left knee.  Now that's some excuse, is it not, for not writing blog posts, but sometimes pain can be distracting enough to distract one from what one must do.  And write she must.  So she's back to writing.  More tomorrow! Promise!

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