Wednesday, April 25, 2018

"If it weren't for the Turks, not one Armenian would be alive today."

Commemorating the survival of Marash Girl's father and his family was painful, and so he would always speak in irony.   Peter loved irony, and when it came to the Armenian Genocide, a Genocide which he survived, he was particularly witty:

 "If it weren't for the Turks, not one Armenian would be alive today," he was wont to say.

What did he mean?  Aside from irony, he was so appreciative of the help given him and his family in escaping the genocide of the Armenian people, a genocide perpetrated by the Ottoman Turkish government against their Armenian population between 1915-1920, that Peter always quoted the above, to his dying day at 98 years old.  That was Marash Girl's father!

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