Tuesday, April 10, 2018

My Daddy Is Not A Liar!

Driving along Route One the other day, Marash Girl remembered a long ago occurrence; in fact, an event that took place when she was 8 years old (not telling how long ago that was!)  Marash Girl was going fishing with her father . . . her father was driving along the old Route One when a policeman on a motorcycle pulled out from behind a large billboard that was installed on the side of the road and pulled my father over.  As they argued about the speed at which Marash Girl's father was driving, the policeman accused her father:  "You're a liar!"  Marash Girl immediately intervened into the discussion:  "My father is NOT a liar!"  At that point, both the policeman and my father burst out laughing, and, as they say, that was the end of that!  They bid each other farewell with the shaking of hands and the policeman's parting words, "Slow down!"

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