Saturday, July 6, 2019

On Coney Island - "We don't want your kind here!"

Marash Girl decided that she wanted to help her friend out by taking her friend's two little boys for an adventure, and adventure it was.  Beginning at their home in their flat in  Puerto Rican Brooklyn, she took the two little brown boys on the subway to the Coney Island Ferry, over the ocean to Coney Island, and then down to the beach that was walking distance to the ferry.  [Marash Girl, at that time, had a deep tan, and very curly hair, thanks to the humidity.] The two little boys were so excited as we walked off the ferry and down to the water.  We were happily playing in the sand and the water when a woman approached us from behind:  'We don't want your kind here,' she stated in a frighteningly frigid tone of voice.

It was the first time that Marash Girl had personally experienced racism . . . but probably not the first or the last time for my playmates.  My heart broke for the little boys who, I hoped, had not heard the comment as they splashed and played in the Atlantic Ocean.

Have you ever experienced racism, dear reader?

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