Monday, August 12, 2019

Bargaining in Isfahan

Remembering my friend Rostom (rahmetli olsun Rostom) who accompanied Gail and Marash Girl south of Tehran to the Armenian stronghold (Isfahan) where Armenians fled and were welcomed after the genocide of the Armenian people by the Ottomans (1912-1915).   Rostom took us into an antique shop in Isfahan owned and operated by an Armenian man.  Walking into the shop, Marash Girl spied an interesting small metal dish with Armenian script around its edge.  It was priced at $25.00.  Marash Girl had been warned that in the Middle East, one should always bargain, as it was expected, and so Marash Girl did so, offering $20 for the interesting piece.  The salesperson immediately called for the owner, who came out, looked Marash Girl up and down, and asked, "How much did you say that dish was priced?"  "$25.00," replied Marash Girl.  The owner replied without pause, "Oh, no.  That dish should have been priced at $35.00, but you can have it for $30!"

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