Sunday, May 31, 2020

Going Fishing in Foxboro

In the spring, all minds turn to fishing, at least the minds of Marash Girl and her dad! On this particular spring Sunday afternoon, we were driving to Foxboro to attempt to catch some pickerel at the Heatons, where we could rent a flat-bottomed rowboat with a small motor. Much to our surprise, a policeman hiding behind a large sign came roaring out from the side of the road on his motorcycle, siren blaring, and pulled Dad over. Dad got out of the car to talk to the policeman, and little Marash Girl followed. The policeman accused Dad of going over the speed limit. Dad respectfully replied that he had been going at the speed limit, which I believe was 50 mph. The two adults got into a little argument at which point the policeman said, "You're a liar!" Little Marash Girl piped up, "My daddy is not a liar!!!" The policeman and Daddy burst out laughing, and that, as they say, was the end of that!!!!

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