Saturday, May 23, 2020

HELP!!! Close the Gap in the Fence Allowing Entrance to the Massachusetts Turnpike!!!

Gap in Fence Opposite Entrance to YMCA
Photo Credit:  Marash Girl 2020
Above is a photograph taken today, a photograph of the fence separating the Massachusetts Turnpike from the YMCA in Newton Corner.  The gaping gate shown above is directly opposite the front entrance to the YMCA, and abuts the YMCA's parking lot, where the school bus that transports kids to and from the YMCA is parked.  An "attractive nuisance", the gate's gap is large enough even for Marash Girl to crawl through.  How about all the young boys and girls who might want to visit the YMCA, even if only to learn that is closed because of Covid?

Marash Girl has called attention to this gap both by calling the YMCA as well as calling the Newton Police.  The Newton Police, Marash Girl is most pleased to report, came immediately to scope out the problem.  The police called the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority, as did the YMCA.  That was a week ago.  The photo above shows the gap in the gate next to the parking lot as it exists today.

If any of you reading this post have any suasion with the powers that be, please use it.  Your influence may save young lives!!!

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