Tuesday, March 1, 2022


And speaking of honey comb brings to mind summer and the honey bees . . . 

Peter was deathly allergic to the sting of the honey bee; his brother, Paul, was in love with honey bees!  Vaht to do?  The edeh won out and raised honey bees, harvesting honey every fall.  Peter never got stung until, one summer's day, he did; he was pursued by a swarm of bees for whatever reason, only the bees know. Peter dutifully went into the arms of a low growing plum tree in his back yard, the leafy branches of which he knew would protect him from being attacked by the swarm.  The branches did their duty and Peter survived, no thanks to the bees!!! They kept trying!!!!

N.B.  Perhaps that's the reason Marash Girl has a distaste for honey!

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