Tuesday, July 7, 2020

A New Tree on Maple Avenue?

This morning, Marash Girl spoke at some length with Mark Welch, Newton’s Deputy Commissioner of Parks, Recreation, and Culture, regarding the planting of a Maple Tree on Maple Avenue, a tree to replace the tree that was taken down yesterday.

Deputy Commissioner Welch assured Marash Girl by telephone that Newton will “schedule a planting of a new tree in the fall planting season which will typically be in November 2020".  

He said that the City of Newton will be asking us all . . .  neighbors to the new tree on Maple Avenue . . .  to water the tree once a week from Patriot’s Day and Columbus Day for two years.

Please email Newton’s Deputy Commissioner of Parks, Recreation and Culture Mark Welch  at the following email address —   MWelch@newtonma.gov — to thank him for his attention to this matter . . . for caring about our trees on Maple Avenue in Newton Corner!!!

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