Saturday, July 18, 2020

Grandpa Peter and Little Katie

Grandpa Peter loved Katie, his first grandchild, very much.  Every time she would be with him in Newton, Massachusetts, (all the way from Los Angeles, California), whether she was an infant or a grown woman, he would sing to her (to the tune of 'Daisy, Daisy Give me your answer true . . . I'm half crazy all for the love of you.')

"Katie, Katie, give me your answer true . . . I'm half crazy all for the love you!!!"  Katie loved his singing, as off key as it was, and would grin from ear to ear.

Sadly, Katie passed away at a very young age, after she had achieved her MD and law degree, and Grandpa Peter has passed away.  How Marash Girl loved them.  How Marash Girl misses them!!!

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