Saturday, August 22, 2020

Remembering the Little Red Store

 One of the wonderful memories of childhood is walking up to the Little Red Store.  Marash Girl's house on Lowell Avenue was far from shops:  a block from a wooded area with a spring at the base of the hill, and over a mile to Newtonville Square.  But going south on Lowell Avenue, we could walk to the little red store (if we had parents accompanying us, because, in order to get there, we had to cross busy Commonwealth Avenue).  As Marash Girl remembers this little store, it was a variety store that offered adults basic grocery needs such as milk and bread . . . and kids their basic needs -- popsicles!!!  Marash Girl loved it when her mom would walk with her and her brother and sister up Lowell Avenue, to Commonwealth Avenue (where the rich folks lived), across Commonwealth Avenue, past the Newton City Hall, to the little red store.  It wasn't there long, but it still lives on in Marash Girl's memory.  Thank you, Little Red Store, for the treats that you always had awaiting us kids!!!!

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