Thursday, July 9, 2020

Uncle Jack Cotton and the Watermelon Seed

Uncle Jack Cotton, a large and boisterously funny man, was married to Auntie Mary, a sweet, petite lady who went to church with us every Sunday.  Uncle Jack went to a different church and got a ride to that church in a different car.  But every Sunday, Auntie Mary and Uncle Jack would join Marash Girl and her family for Sunday dinner.  The children were fascinated with Uncle Jack because they had never seen anyone with such a large "tummy".    One day they asked their Uncle Jack why his tummy was as big as a watermelon.  His answer?  "I swallowed a watermelon seed!"

Ever after that day, whenever the children ate watermelon, they did so with the fear that one day, unbeknownst to them, they would swallow a watermelon seed and end up with a tummy as large as their Uncle Jack's!

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