Saturday, August 1, 2020

Bir yumuşağı var mı?

In the old days, whenever we visited relatives on a Sunday afternoon, Daddy and Mommy would stop at a local pharmacy to buy a box of Whitman's Chocolates.  We would never arrive at anyone's house empty-handed, and in that all of the Armenians in those days baked their own elegant pastries, carrying Mommy's wonderful apple pie, brownies, or banana cake would not be particularly appreciated.  Therefore, it would be a box of Whitman's Chocolates that we would carry with us to our khunami's house.  And always, the grandmother of the family, after opening the box, would ask, "Bir yumuşağı var mı?"  Is there a soft one?  Because in those days, very few grandmothers could afford false teeth.  It was less costly simply to have the offending molars removed.  But that's for another blog post.  For now, let's stick to the chocolates.  Marash Martha and Marash Girl would be delighted to offer our guests the chocolates with soft centers, because we hated them!!! In fact, when folks brought those boxes of chocolates to our house, we would secretly press in the bottoms of the chocolates, surreptitiously replacing the chocolates that gave in to our thumb's pressure . . .  until we found one that did not give in . . .  a chocolate covered nut!  Hooray!

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