Thursday, September 10, 2020

Dropped A Stitch?

The easiest way to knit a fancy scarf is to drop a stitch or two.  Drop a stitch or two, you ask?  Yes, ma'am (sir)!!!  Most fancy knitting stitches were originally the result of "mistakes". Here's how this mistake makes for a beautiful scarf.

Knit your scarf as you would, using the typical knit/purl or knit/knit, and when your scarf is as long as you would like, simply drop a stitch or two, preferably in an orderly manner . . . i.e., if you have 30 stitches on your needle, drop the 11th stitch and the 20th stitch.  Or play around with the patterns, and perhaps drop every fifth stitch.  In any case, when you have dropped the stitches you want dropped, simply pull them all the way through the scarf, and you will have created a lovely pattern for your scarf with very little effort.  

Marash Girl suggests that you experiment a bit with a small length of knitted scarf . . . i.e., knit about 6 rows and and drop a few stitches to see what pattern/s you prefer!!!  For sure, you'll be able to knit a  simple scarf that will appear quite fancy and complicated to all who see it and any one who is lucky enough to wear it!

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