Monday, October 5, 2020

Mugsy and the 5&10

When Marash Girl first arrived in 7th Grade, she sat (in homeroom) to the right of Mugsy, a tall, muscular boy with flaming red hair combed into a D/A, a boy who was 16 years old in a classroom of students who had just turned 13. Every day, in order to win the approval of his classmates, Mugsy would carry into homeroom a small trove of treasures that he had stolen from the 5&10, treasures which he would proceed to pass out to the kids in homeroom. When he attempted to foist his loot on Marash Girl, she would politely refused the stolen items. Apparently embarrassed by her refusal, Mugsy would gesticulate and loudly proclaim to all the students around him that Marash Girl felt that she was too good to accept his "treasures"! Marash Girl had no response. She just sat quietly in her seat, awaiting the bell that would signal peermission for her to escape to her first class.

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