Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Delegate Lorig Charkoudian Gets Back To Legislative Work

Dear Reader: After a devastating four years, compassion and hope are returning to the White House. Thanks to all who worked together for this victory. Delegate Charkoudian is excited to get back to legislative work in the upcoming Session and invites you to join us at her "Relentless Forward Progress" Zoom fundraising party on Tuesday, November 17, at 7:00 pm. To purchase your ticket or make a donation, click here. Since taking office in 2019, Delegate Lorig Charkoudian has earned impressive accolades for her effectiveness as a legislator and public servant. The Maryland League of Conservation Voters recently named her an “Environmental Leader” and she was the Solar Energy Industry Association’s 2019 regional “Solar Champion.” After her first legislative session, the Maryland Consumer Rights Coalition gave her its “Up-and-Coming Legislator of the Year.” Perhaps her favorite kudo came from someone who said she is the “Queen of Constituent Services” for her dedication to helping community members get needed help--whether it's unemployment benefits, COVID testing in hard-hit areas, or nutritious food for families. Lorig has consistently shown her passion and prowess in solving issues both large and small. At this fundraising party, you’ll hear directly from Congressperson Jamie Raskin, Maryland House Speaker Adrienne Jones, and Economic Matters Committee Chair Dereck Davis about the important difference Lorig is making in the State House and in the community. You will also have an opportunity to ask Lorig about her plans and priorities in the upcoming legislative session. By supporting this event, you can show your approval and gratitude for Lorig’s dedication and effectiveness. Help build up her campaign coffers for the next election so she can continue to make “Relentless Forward Progress” in building a more just and inclusive Maryland! Relentless Host ($500) Fierce Co-Host ($250) Persistent Sponsor ($150) Tireless Advocate ($100) Determined Supporter ($50) Steady Friend ($25)

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