Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Get into the Thanksgiving Spirit!!!

Ensure a Happy Thanksgiving with Fresh Cranberry Orange Relish -- Raw Foodies, Take Note! On Thursday, December, 16, 2010, Marash Girl wrote a blog post entitled ON NOT PEELING AN ORANGE. In that post, Marash Girl shared the following recipe for Cranberry Orange Relish, a concoction that her second grade class, under the direction of her second grade teacher, Miss Eleanor Sprowl, prepared and sent to the United States troops overseas for Thanksgiving . . . So here's that very recipe from all those years ago!!! CRANBERRY ORANGE RELISH 2 cups fresh organic cranberries, UNSPRAYED, washed, stemmed and sorted (discarding the squishy ones and the green ones) 1 organic juice orange with skin (washed) 1 cup granulated sugar Put cranberries and oranges through a meat grinder, coarse blade, or if you're living in the 21st century, through a Cuisinart chopper. (Be careful to chop sparingly; you don't want a purée.)" Because juice oranges today are a lot less juicy than they were in the "good old days", Marash Girl would recommend that you use two juicy oranges rather than one, and if the mixture is not orange juicy enough, add some of your own freshly squeezed orange juice. (Adding a third orange with peel would throw off the taste balance.) Marash GIrl doesn't know anybody else who makes this dish, though she gets calls every year from friends who want her to save them some (and last year from someone who wanted the recipe. . . she was so happy to learn that Marash Girl had recorded it in her blog!) Cranberry Orange Relish gets better as it stays, and Marash Girl's friend has informed her that it freezes well, too (though Marash Girl never has any leftovers to freeze)! If you use organically grown oranges, organically grown cranberries, AND you substitute an all natural raw sweetener for the sugar, even the "Raw Foodies" in your family will love it! Happy Thanksgiving!

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