Sunday, November 1, 2020


When Mummy and Auntie Lydia (this was before Mummy was married) visited Uncle Vartan's church in Watertown, Massachusetts, they walked to the front of the church to sing a duet. (Mummy had a very sweet voice and, later in life, sang in Roupen Gregorian's choir in Watertown, Massachusetts.) Before the two young ladies could begin to sing, a man in the congregation stood up and demanded, "Before they can sing in this church, they must give their testimony." Uncle Vartan, without hestiation, and in his accented English (he was tri-lingual and spoke and read Armenian, Turkish, and English), commanded, "You sit dow-vn." The man had no choice...and Mummy and Auntie Lydia sang their hymn for the church congregants to enjoy. Not sure if the fellow who demanded the young ladies' testimony enjoyed it!!!

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