Thursday, December 3, 2020

Have You Ever Played "Racing Raindrops"?

Raining outside? No problem for the kids. On very rainy days, especially during elementary school vacations, Marash Girl, her sister, brother, and cousins, would play "Racing Raindrops", a game of their creation. Have you ever played? It's fun! Here's how they did it . . . When it was raining outside, and the kids had little to entertain them, they would go to the dining room window, the window overlooking the dell, then overgrown with white birch trees (a dell which later in their childhood, disappeared when it became a grassy hillside, as the dell had been filled in with the soil from the cavity created when excavating the cellar hole for the yet to be constructed Newtonville Electrical Company on Newtonville Avenue); each kid (at the same moment) would select a raindrop at the top of the window pane, and then follow that raindrop all the way down to the window sill, hoping that his/her raindrop of choice would arrive at the base before the others. If it did, that raindrop's owner won the game!!!! And all of the kids cheered for the winning raindrop!

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