Friday, December 25, 2020

Krisdos Dznav Yev Haidnetsav!

"Krisdos Dznav Yev Haidnetsav!" If you're Armenian, you know that this is the manner in which Armenians greet one another on Christmas. And if you're Armenian, you know that this . . . "Ohrnyal Eh Dznoutioun Krisdosi!" . . . is the Armenian Response to the Armenian greeting on Christmas. Translation from the Armenian: Greeting on Christmas: "Christ is born and has been revealed unto us." Response to Greeting on Christmas: "Blessed is the birth of Christ!" Years ago, Uncle Paul, Daddy's older brother, tried to teach us kids the Armenian greetings appropriate for the various Armenian religious holidays. Invariably, we would interchange the Christmas greeting and response (which you see recorded above -- yes, Marash Girl still remembers that greeting) . . we would interchange that Christmas greeting with the Easter greeting, "Krisdos haryav y merelotz!" "Christ has risen and conquered death!" (Marash Girl will record the response to that greeting on Easter!) Rather than being mean and chastising us with a sharp correction, Uncle Paul (born in Marash) would laugh and ask, "How can Jesus be risen from the dead when Jesus has just been born?" N.B. Above image has been borrowed from the internet. Thanks to whomever posted it!

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