Sunday, December 13, 2020

Sunday Afternoons in Belmont

Often, on Sunday afternoons, Mummy would gather the family together to visit her cousins in Belmont . . . Going way back in time, Marash Girl recalls, in particular, Junior Daghlian at Aunty Lucy's house licking the chocolate batter off of the eggbeaters after the batter had been poured into the cakepan on its way to the hot oven. When visiting Aunty Mogie and Uncle Joe, Auntie Mogie would be placing the second tray of choereg (seasoned with mahleb) into the preheated oven soon after she welcomed us into her home . . . the house already redolent with the promise of what was soon to come! As Marash Girl's father would say, were he living today, "Those days are gone . . . forever!"

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