Saturday, January 23, 2021

Line Dancing in Boston, Massachusetts

Marash Girl's recent chat with Professor Renato R. (Chato, as she knew him) called to mind the time Marash Girl, while at the Armenian Booth of the Fun Fair (an outdoor fair sponsored yearly by the International Students Association in Cambridge, Massachusets,) sold tickets for an Armenian dance taking place in Boston that evening, to a young Navaho man (a student at Harvard College at the time), tickets for the Harvard/Radcliffe/BU/Tufts/Jackson/Simmons Armenian Dance.... (a fundraiser for the Harvard-Radcliffe Armenian Club, as well as for the Armenian clubs of the other colleges and universities in the Boston area). Attending the event, while dancing the Armenian line dance at which Marash Girl's mother and father were "chaperones", Alan (her Navaho friend) commented that the simple Armenian line dance, the "bar" as it was called in Armenian, was eerily (Marash Girl's word) familiar, calling to mind the simple Navajo line dance. Two peoples geographically distanced, and yet . . .

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