Sunday, February 21, 2021

Remembering Sunday Trips To Ferjulian's Farm in Hudson, Massachusetts

Not during the winter months, but often, on a summer's Sunday, Uncle Paul would drive us to Ferjulian's farm in Hudson, Massachusetts . . . a beautiful trip through country roads to a beautiful farm to get beautiful produce and an ice cream treat on the way home!!!! Was it from Ferjulian's farm that Grandpa Peter bought the tomato plants for his backyard garden? Was it from Ferjulian farm that Uncle Paul purchased the young fruit trees planted along the border of our back and side yards in Newtonville? Thank you, Daddy, for the fresh vegetables throughout the summer and autumn days of our childhood . . . Thank you, Uncle Paul, for the wonderful fruit fresh off the trees in our back yard . . . and thank you Mummy, Daddy, Uncle Paul, and Auntie Zabelle for our childhood full of love, wonderful food, and wonderful adventures!

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