Monday, February 1, 2021

The Recipe for Orange Juice Cake

What drama!!! Marash Girl's mom, who, Marash Girl has to admit, was from an Aintabtsi family . . . not a Marashtsi family . . . and thus an amazing cook . . . Okay . . . let's start again. Marash Girl's mom always wanted the recipe for Orange Juice Cake, a cake that her cousin would make to the great acclaim of all. When that cousin finally agreed to share the recipe, try as they could, none of them -- Marash Girl's mom, Marash Girl's sister, and Marash Girl herself -- none of them could ever get the recipe to turn out properly. The cake always fell!!! So it is with great hesitation that Marash Girl tries to bake an Orange Juice Cake (a recipe she found on the internet yesterdayt), as Marash Girl has not yet tried to make the cake, and because of her childhood experience, fears to even try to make it)! Nonetheless, with a snowstorm heading this way, she may just cast aside that fear, and see what happens. If the recipe works, Marash Girl will let you know and provide the online link to the recipe. Fingers crossed!

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