Sunday, March 14, 2021

I'm So Happy, And Here's The Reason Why . . .

The lyrics of one of the first Sunday School choruses Marash Girl learned as a child are recorded below. Marash Girl and her sister and brother and cousins and Sunday School friends would stand on the pulpit at the front of the Armenian Brethren Evangelical Church of Watertown, Massachusetts, and sing out the words with great gusto, big smiles and genuine joy! Marash Girl remembers the lyrics and sings the song to this day, all these many years later!!! Sorry she can't record the tune here, but she's sure you can find the music somewhere out there on the internet . . . so here goes . . . I'm So Happy Words and Music by Stanton W. Gavitt © 1936, renewal 1964 by Stanton W. Gavitt I'm so happy and here's the reason why - Jesus took my burdens all away; Now I'm singing as the days go by - Jesus took my burdens all away. Once my heart was heavy with a load of sin. Jesus took my sin and gave me peace within, Now I'm singing as the days go by - Jesus took my burdens all away.

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