Sunday, March 7, 2021

On Peeling An Orange . . .

Yesterday, watching Marash Boy meticulously trying to peel an orange, struggling as he was breaking the orange peel off into bits, brought to mind Uncle Paul's orange peeling skills! Pulling out his trusty jack knife, a knife he kept in his pocket at all times, most often using it to strip the insulation off two pieces of wire so he could connect them . . .Uncle Paul would entertain all the young 'uns as he twirled his knife around the skin of an orange, removing that skin in one curvaceous piece . . . a piece that Marash Girl and her cousins and siblings would love to bounce gently as they could recreate the orange in its wholeness and disassemble it as quickly. To this day, Marash Girl peels her oranges in that fashion, sometimes succeeding in accomplishing Uncle Paul's feat and bouncing the orange skin up and down as she used to do in her childhood . . . Thank you, Uncle Paul, for that fun memory!!! Although Marash Girl has recorded this memory in the past, allow her the luxury of reliving the moment as she once again remembers Uncle Paul peeling an orange. It should be noted that oranges were a rare treat in Marash, so special that Uncle Paul and his brother Peter and sisters Gulenia and Rosie each recieved an orange as a special gift only at Christmas. Marash Girl's guess is that they even planted the seeds to see if they could sprout their own orange tree. At least, that's what Grandpa Peter did when he was living in Newtonville . . . and he even managed to grow an orange tree from seed, but his orange tree never gave fruit. Luckily, by then, he could afford to provide many oranges . . . one for himself and one for each of member of his family every day.

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